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F1 - Opens the Help screen for almost every program.
F2 - Allows you to rename a selected file or folder.
F3 - Opens a search feature for an application that is active at the moment
F4 - Alt + F4 closes the active window
F5 - Allows you to refresh or reload the page or document window.
F6 - Moves the cursor to the address bar in most Internet browsers.
F7 - Used to spell check and grammar check a document in Microsoft applications such as Microsoft Word.
F8 - Used to access the boot menu in Windows when turning on the computer
F9 - Refreshes a document in Microsoft Word and send and receives e-mails in Microsoft Outlook
F10 - Activates the menu bar of an open application. Shift + F10 is the as right clicking
F11 - Enters and exits fullscreen mode in Internet browsers.
F12 - Opens the Save as dialog box in Microsoft Word.


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